We need to let go

Mukhpreet Singh Khurana
2 min readAug 24, 2023


We need to let go of all the comparisons we hold so dearly within us, the what ifs, the buts, the delusions and illusions we make for ourselves in the name of what we claim life is doing to us. We need to stop treating ourselves like the victims every now and then, more so now than ever.

We need to stop feeling sorry for ourselves at the same of others and their shortcomings. We need to do right by our own selves. We have got to start hard-talking ourselves out of these woods, for destruction and damage downward is catastrophic. These stay, they haunt and they damage more than any arsenal.

We have got to be fluid, we have got to start living a little, keeping aside these comparisons no matter how close, near and dear they ‘might’ be. We only know of the past an worry of the future in routine. It is a shame, in these loops we forget to live the little that we can today, and in that little, find so much to hold on to, to cherish and find music in. We are individuals capable enough to look after our well being, knowing how to keep the consuming energies at bay, not getting the better of us. Life is a learning process, a work in progress, all of us are only if we are willing to do something ‘tiny’ or big in the name of greater good four ourselves, our peace, our well being and growth.

We hold the capability to be fluid and adapt or just stay stagnant, run out of time only to be left with misery, the illusions and delusions. Step away from the yesterdays, look at today, around, within, all that is around you for you and all that is not. It is simple only if we ‘try’ to simplify it all. We reap what we sow. How about we start sowing new and better to reap better for starters?

We are our own questions, we are our own answers and closures. What we perceive, we feel and eventually become. We are all about choices from the beginning onward to the end, aren’t we!

Take the first baby step today, the giant leaps will follow.

I believe in you. I hope you do, too.

-Mukhpreet Singh Khurana
Instagram: @mukhpreetkhurana



Mukhpreet Singh Khurana

Author/poet, life coach, storyteller, listener. Instagram: @mukhpreetkhurana