Keep going

Mukhpreet Singh Khurana
2 min readDec 2, 2022


There is so much that consumes us, so much that brings us to our knees. There is so much that weakens us, puts us in an endless loop of overthinking, excessively critically analysing so much that is beyond need. There is so much that we ache to live up to, and somehow no matter what we do, is not enough. Oh that is where we stop, we hammer ourselves in our heads, spinning head to toe all the way round again and again, wondering what is it that was undone, what was wrong to an extent of forgetting all the good, all the times where you were there. There is so much that goes unnoticed, so much that goes unacknowledged, unappreciated or unremembered, so much that just vanishes in a whiff of air. You know what? Keep going. Keep doing what you do, keep being there for yourself and for all out there in your capacity. Yes, correct yourself wherever needed but do not stop being who you are. Nurture yourself in the process. A flower does not change its identity of being a flower, no matter how many changes it goes through from being a seed, a nurturing sapling, a stem with leafs and buds that bloom in time. The same goes with everyone, you know? With you, with everyone around. Everyone are who they are. Their evolution and growth is what makes them better people. Failure is not a person, it is the end result that can be corrected into a new beginning. After all, all we all need is a little love, a little sunshine, a little acknowledgement, a little desire to be ‘heard’. We are not perfect, we can never be. Fools are those chasing it when all reality breathes in strength. Put love into yourself first, put care, appreciation, gratitude and forgiveness into yourself first, put the need to listen, to be patient into yourself enough to want the same from everyone out there. You are a speck of the world just as much as everyone are. Keep going ahead, keep doing your thing and correct wherever you feel stumbled upon. It is all about a share of love, light and delight that everyone want to fit into their appetite; You, me, them alike. So much will bring you down, will make you question so much beyond ends. Hold the thought, hold it right there. Panic not, react on impulse not. Stop. Breathe. Smile. Love. Hug. Forgive. Hug again. Live again. Love again. Create it all within ‘enough’ to put out there and receive the same. It all starts within, after all.

-Mukhpreet Singh Khurana

Instagram: @mukhpreetkhurana



Mukhpreet Singh Khurana

Author/poet, life coach, storyteller, listener. Instagram: @mukhpreetkhurana